Ismail Jabih Ullah is a management professional with over 23-year experience working in different national, international, and multinational organizations like Bangladesh Air Force, Group4 Falck, U.S. Peace Corps, and Link3 Technologies Ltd. at senior Management position.
Beside his MBA in Management Information System, Ismail is a Certified Organization Development Professional (IPAC-Singapore), and Certified Talent Management Professional (IFPM-UK). Ismail is a continuous learner and participant of numerous trainings, workshops and seminars to groom himself a better leader.
Working in senior management position in service organizations and Information Technology companies, Ismail has turned-out to be an Organization Development Specialist, Project Management Professional, Creative Problem Solver, and Leader.
Eyevary Limited is an endeavor of the founder to add greater value to the lives of people, organizations, and society as an Information Technology entrepreneur.